This article is about a new design for dog bowls that will allow dogs wearing Elizabethan collars to eat properly.
I love this design, and being a person who likes to have options, love the fact that it comes in different colors. But since I don't have dogs, I really want to see it in action, because I'd like to know how it works and how this type of bowl, raised and tilted at an angle, is different than a bowl on the ground. I think it's great, though, that people are actively out there solving problems for pets and animals.
Also, I disagree with the article when he says that he doesn't like the design because it looks like a dog. He says:
"Why is it shaped like a dog, with the bowl located at the head, no less? Does it make sense, design-wise, to have a dog eating out of another dog's head? Can you imagine the human tableware equivalent?I like the design, and I didn't think it looked like a dog until he said so. Besides the point that other animals also stand on four feet, I don't think that having it shaped like a dog is weird at all.
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