Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Reaching the right people

Article post: Reaching the right people

In the article, Seth talks about a new way to advertise that involves putting your product into other items that you sell. He uses the eBay/Amazon example of putting a demo CD of your band into the package with a CD of a band that is similar to yours.

While this is an interesting idea that I'm sure will be popular, I'm one of those people that don't bother looking at other products if I like the one I currently have. Take the CD example. If I bought a CD of a band that I like, and the person who sold it to me sent his/her band's CD along with the one I got, I would probably put the CD on my shelf, and it would never been seen again. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who does this.

But, he uses another example of the masseur/personal trainer relationship. I'm more inclined to take that opportunity, assuming I didn't have either one already, if both parties are aware of the promotions.

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